Untold Comics, previously known as Comics N Toys, is a premier comic book store and collectibles shop located in Kidderminster, UK. Specializing in a diverse range of comics, collectibles, and toys, the store offers a unique experience for enthusiasts and collectors alike. Operating primarily on an appointment basis, the store aims to provide personalized service and attention to every customer. With a dedicated focus on fostering a thriving community of comic and collectible aficionados, Untold Comics stands as a haven for those passionate about the art and culture surrounding these items.
Untold Comics specializes in a wide array of products, including comic books, collectibles, and toys. Their inventory encompasses an extensive selection of comics from various genres, along with sought-after collectible items and toys, catering to the diverse interests of their clientele.
Untold Comics currently operates on an appointment-only basis. To visit the store, it is essential to contact them in advance to schedule an appointment. This personalized approach ensures that customers receive dedicated attention and service during their visit, while also preventing any potential disappointment due to unexpected closures.
Untold Comics is open on specific days of the week. The store's hours are as follows: Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10 AM to 5 PM, Saturday from 10 AM to 5 PM, and Sunday from 10 AM to 3 PM. The store remains closed on Mondays. It is important to note that these hours are indicative of availability and not general opening times.
Untold Comics places a strong emphasis on providing a personalized and community-oriented experience to its customers. By operating on an appointment basis, the store seeks to offer individualized attention, cater to specific customer needs, and cultivate a sense of belonging within the community of comic and collectible enthusiasts. This approach underscores the store's commitment to ensuring that each customer's visit is meaningful and enjoyable.
Originally known as Comics N Toys, Untold Comics has evolved to become a prominent destination for comic and collectible enthusiasts. With a rich history rooted in the passion for comics and collectibles, the store has transitioned to its current form, aiming to provide a unique and tailored experience for its clientele.
Apply the given postcode DY10 2EN or the GPS coordinates, 52.3916 for latitude and -2.2464 for longitude, to find the shop. Additionally, a map is given below to help you in pinpointing the shop.
Be aware all information was accurate as far as we know at the time of publication. We strongly recommend getting in touch with a venue prior to your visit to ensure it can fulfill all your needs. This website holds no responsibility for potential inaccuracies that might appear here. If you'd like to update any of the data that is displayed here, please feel free to contact us.